Wednesday, February 28, 2007

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Viral Friend (or Foe) Generator

Although I unsubscribed to dozens of lists a few weeks ago I've still been plagued by people selling me the virtues of Mike Filsaime's latest product - Viral Friend Generator.

Now, I'm not going to be negative about the product because I haven't bought it, used it or even tested it although there are a few observations below. But I must have my say about the usual hype surrounding the launch.

Everyman and his dog - yes I even had an email from Lassie offering me some doggie chocs if I buy through his (or was it her?) link :) - has been telling me over the past few days how vital it is that I get and use this program as it will increase my opt-in list by 300%.

The sales letter is of the usual high standard, playing on my emotions and making me feel that I'll be missing out big time if I don't snap it up immediately. My problem is that I don't want a list cluttered up with dead email addresses, non-interested great aunties of potential customers or 4 year old kids that Dad just happened to have email addresses for.

Of course, I understand the viral effect that this could have IF every visitor to my site (assuming there was high traffic in the first place - will that be everyone who buys??) gave names of 3 hot prospects who each did the same BUT reality tells me otherwise. Frankly I'd find it difficult to justify giving the names of 3 of my "friends" so I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.

In the right hands and with the right existing traffic / list I'm sure this latest "must have" will be used to great effect but I'm afraid for many it will be another $97 chasing fool's gold.

What do you think? Have I really missed the point (again?!!**?)


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Monday, February 26, 2007

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Wizzer's Card Trick - part 2

So did the Great Wizzer's Card Trick fool you?

If you are like me it took a while to see what is happening.

My point is what were you focusing on? Probably to start with exactly what you were told to - the card you were thinking about. As a result your were concentrating on one thing (which is normally commendable) but in this instance it was the wrong thing if you wanted to see the "trick".

If you've already worked it out then the moral is to be sure you focus on the right things - in the case of business those tasks or issues that are moving you forward not those that are just taking up your time (shuffling paper).

If you haven't worked it out yet I'd like you to go back to the previous post and this time instead of focusing on the one card - the one that Wizzer will make disappear - think carefully about ALL of the cards.

If you need any help drop me an email - and I'll explain.

Remember - we can all focus wholeheartedly on something for part of the time but that isn't enough. We must be focused on the right thing.

Good fortune



Saturday, February 24, 2007

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Business Focus & The Wizzer Card Trick

How good are you at focusing on what needs to be done in your business?

Are you able to select an activity and focus on just that until it is done? Or do you find you get easily distracted by other issues - emails arriving, thoughts popping into your head?

Without a doubt you MUST take action to move your business forward but it must be the right action and it must be focused. Keep on until the task is complete.

Here is a great exercise - the Wizzer Card Trick - for you to check your focus. If you can't work out the solution check back tomorrow for the answer - or subscribe to the blog and get my next post delivered direct to your inbox.

I'll explain my point in more detail in that post. So (drum roll) over to The Great Wizzer...

Pick one of the following
cards. Don 't click on it; just keep it in your head.

Scroll down when you have your card...

Think about your card for 20 seconds in front of Wizzer...

Wizzer is attempting to read your mind!

Scroll down after 20 seconds...

The Great Wizzer Has Removed Your Card!

Now scroll up and do it again - can you work it out - have you been focusing?

Until tomorrow...

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Friday, February 23, 2007

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Insider Secrets Update

In keeping with my theme of ONLY discussing products offered by totally ethical and successful businesses I have to tell you about the updated version of Insider Secrets. OK, I know the title is a bit of a "hype" but I can forgive that because the content is so solid and is appropriate for:

  • Any business, whatever the niche or product
  • Brand new marketers - yes, suitable for complete beginners
  • Seasoned marketers and well established businesses - the advanced sections contain some fantastic strategies for even the most knowledgable

As you probably know there have been some CRITICAL CHANGES to the way you need to market your business to make money online... these are changes YOU must know about and more importantly TAKE SOME ACTION ON!

These are not just one or two little changes! I am talking about massive changes that include...

1. How Google, Yahoo!, and MSN have changed and how to get (or even just maintain) top 10 listings!

2. Maximising your profits from email promotions and making sure they get to your customers’ inbox and not get you labeled as ‘Junk’! I even got messages from friends caught by Spam Filters.

3. How to make money in the Pay-Per-Click search engines... even after the big shake up and rule changes that really hurt so many established businesses!

4. What web design strategies and sales copy techniques are working in 2007 (many of last year’s strategies don't work anymore... do you know which ones?)

5. Advanced technology that you must start using BEFORE your competitors steal your customers with it.

… and the list could go on!

An online business should be just that - A BUSINESS - and not a hobby. With any business , online or in the "real" world change is inevitable. It is only those accepting of change and prepared to adapt that survive and flourish. I am not trying to scare you out of doing business on the web but you must be aware of the realities of making money on the Internet in 2007.

OK, preaching done!! Here's the GOOD NEWS...

The very first internet marketing course I bought (over 2 years ago now), which set me up and away with my businesses online has been totally revamped and brought bang up to date.

This COMPLETE package is brought to you by one of the MOST SUCCESSFUL Internet Marketing Experts in the world! Does the name Corey Rudl (RIP) mean anything to you?

To find out exactly who and what I this is all about please take five minutes and read the following webpage...

Insider Secrets

This really could be the most valuable five minutes in 2007!

Good fortune

"Do it Now"

P.S. When you go to Insider Secrets pay attention to how many people are using this system… there are some incredible stories that you can learn a ton from!


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John Chow

If you've been blogging for any time (unless you've just been posting rather than reading other blogs) you will have heard of / read John Chow.

He is running another of his "review my blog" incentives and I thought it was time I made my thoughts known.

What I really finding both interesting and strange in some ways is the way John has turned in the face of accepted wisdom (at least if you are monetising a site or blog) and his posts cover an extremely wide range of subjects. OK he already gets a ton of traffic (according to Technorati his is the 388th most popular blog) but clearly this must weaken his theme.

Personally I really like his style although I'm not so sure I like the regular photographs of plates of food - first thing in the morning I'm not ready for it and later in the day they make me hungry before my time! From a marketers viewpoint I really like the way he blends a range of different revenue generating ads and affiliate programs into the blog and because he isn't tightly themed these will have appeal to most of his visitors.

John does provide some great content and money making ideas are shared with his readers - my only real criticism is that I do find too many posts to read when I open Bloglines some days.

You may want to head over to now and do a review yourself - the resulting traffic will do you good!

Keep up the good work John Chow.

"Do It Now"


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Google Adwords

Still struggling with finding the solution to making money using Adwords & Adsense?

I came across this great e-book today, yours to download totally free, which I found really useful.

It is 85 pages crammed full with simple to follow instruction including foolproof strategies to finding the correct Google Adwords for your campaign.

I did find that the screen showing the Yahoo Bid Tool is out of date (I believe Yahoo has only recently removed this tool) but apart from that there is some really solid information. It was created by an expert in the field of SEO, Brad Callen, so there are some good credentials.

This is not some get rich quick scheme, just good quality information that you cannot ignore if your business model is focused on using Google Adwords.

I encourage you to download your complimentary copy - let me know what you think and whether this was useful for your business.

Good fortune

"Do It Now"

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