Viral Friend (or Foe) Generator
Now, I'm not going to be negative about the product because I haven't bought it, used it or even tested it although there are a few observations below. But I must have my say about the usual hype surrounding the launch.
Everyman and his dog - yes I even had an email from Lassie offering me some doggie chocs if I buy through his (or was it her?) link :) - has been telling me over the past few days how vital it is that I get and use this program as it will increase my opt-in list by 300%.
The sales letter is of the usual high standard, playing on my emotions and making me feel that I'll be missing out big time if I don't snap it up immediately. My problem is that I don't want a list cluttered up with dead email addresses, non-interested great aunties of potential customers or 4 year old kids that Dad just happened to have email addresses for.
Of course, I understand the viral effect that this could have IF every visitor to my site (assuming there was high traffic in the first place - will that be everyone who buys??) gave names of 3 hot prospects who each did the same BUT reality tells me otherwise. Frankly I'd find it difficult to justify giving the names of 3 of my "friends" so I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
In the right hands and with the right existing traffic / list I'm sure this latest "must have" will be used to great effect but I'm afraid for many it will be another $97 chasing fool's gold.
What do you think? Have I really missed the point (again?!!**?)
viral friend generator
mike filsaime
Labels: mike filsaime, viral friend generator, Wizzer